
I could easily nominate most of the blogs and bloggers acknowledged in previous years, as all continue to be a daily or weekly part of my reading, tweeting and RSS circuit. However, I have decided to make a completely fresh list of my favs for 2010. This has proven to be extremely difficult and many great blogs and bloggers, of course, could not be listed.

My nominations for the 2010 Edublog Awards are as follows:

Best individual blog: Dean Groom’s, Design for Learning http://deangroom.wordpress.com is my choice for a number of reasons. One, Dean pushes boundaries with unrelenting passion. Two, he is willing to reflect openly on the questions that arise as a result. Three, he wants the future now ’cause it is already here. NB @deangroom will probably notice/comment that I have nominated many people attempting to scale the ‘walled garden’ but am uncertain as to how he will interpret it (as symptom or cure) ;O)

Best individual tweeter: @mweller cause I like his affability, style, attitude and blogging

Best new blog: Every post at Ben Jones’ Inter.Connect.Ed http://benpaddlejones.edublogs.org/ is excellent and thought-provoking. @benpaddlejones is a maven and we trust him.

Best class blog: You can see why I am nominating Mitch Squires after a few minutes at his wonderful, The Blog Dogs http://hccweb2.org/3s2010/ – check out the 3S blogroll. @MitchSquires has many blogs.  I am cheekily slipping in a second nomination in this category as it is great to see an infants class blogging with the assistance of the inspirational @close_schaffer whose work touches the future daily KS Online 2010 https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/blog/482897-ksonline2010/.

Best group blog: I nominate these infants kids again KS Online 2010 https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/blog/482897-ksonline2010/ ’cause I really want people to vote for the future of blogging.

Most influential blog post: Shelly Blake-Plock’s, Why Teachers Should Blog http://teachpaperless.blogspot.com/2009/09/why-teachers-should-blog.html appeals to me greatly, for obvious reasons. I wish more colleagues would take @teachpaperless‘s advice

Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion: @SirKenRobinson‘s, “Just been animated by the RSA! Take a look. I think it’s great: http://bit.ly/9FliM8” as it alerted me to the best overview ever produced of the paradigm we live and are trying to change.

Best teacher blog: Why Bare URLs are a problem at Jenny Luca’s blog http://jennylu.wordpress.com/ is one of those posts that is academically important and useful to students and teachers. It is an example of why I nominate @jennyluca in this ‘best teacher blog’ category.

Best librarian / library blog: BrightIdeas http://slav.globalteacher.org.au/ is now one of the blogs where I read every post. Thanks for your work in 2010 @brightideasblog

Best school administrator blog: Scott McLeod‘s Dangerously Irrelevant  http://dangerouslyirrelevant.org has been important to me for a couple of years and I particularly like the Leadership Day posts as I find passionate new bloggers. I hope @mcleod‘s blog will be accepted in this category.

Best educational tech support blog: Supporting DET staff to ‘connect, collaborate and create’ with a Video Conference every Wednesday morning is @pipcleaves and colleagues with Breakkie with a Teckkie http://hccweb2.org/bt/

Lifetime achievement: @hrheingold for his work in many fields, virtual and ‘real’ – thanks Howard http://www.rheingold.com/


Best wishes for continued blogging and tweeting excellence in 2011, folks!



  1. I feel honoured, thank you 🙂

    • Janice Creenaune

    • 14 years ago

    This gives me a great number of new ideas and references.

  2. Hi
    I feel very surprised about this nomination and I believe my class will be really excited.Thanks for the links to all the other blogs some of them are new to me and look fabulous ,
    Thanks, Barbara Schaffer

    • Rosemary

    • 14 years ago

    Barbara’s commitment to innovative teaching & learning is inspirational. KS and Barbara really deserve this nomination.

  3. Thank you, Darcy, for the nice words about my blog and the Edublog Awards nomination. Very kind of you…

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