Reading a post by Larry Ferlazzo led me to think of 10 tweeps I enjoy and get good value from each day. I notice that all have a fantastic blog/site which is essential IMHO.
In alphabetical order:
@ABCMarkScott – The ABC has positioned itself well online over that last decade or so, especially in regards to social media. Mark’s leadership in effectively using twitter is one I wish others would follow
@cityoftongues – I found James Bradley, the author, on twitter via his excellent blog. Beside tweeting interesting things James is the most helpful of people. An added bonus, he likes tMG.
@euan – Euan Semple, who has been on twitter for 4 years, is a relatively new follow for me but I recommend him highly. Make sure you subscribe to his newsletter, as I have found that he genuinely is helping people to understand the internet
@heyjudeonline – Judy O’Connell was one of the first people I followed on twitter. Her blog and tweets are really practically useful. Thanks Judy!
@jconnell – I discovered via @heyjudeonline and his blog is an inspiration to me. I like John’s values and forthright commentary which you can see at a glance with his tagline, ‘the point is not to interpret the world but to change it’
@snbeach – I think you know why I follow Sheryl whose twitter bio says she is interested in ’21st Century reform, teacher leadership, networks, and community building online’
@sccenglish – all English teachers should follow this great tweep!
@stuhasic – Stu should have about a million more followers. I so admire his knowledge of DET, tech and wisdom generally. He never seems to type a false word.
@timbuckteeth – an absolute goldmine of resources and ideas re: openess, learning and social media. I love how Steve Wheeler shares.
@timoreilly – say no more.
Your 10 follows?
Very kind words Darcy. If only I was as prolific and effective a writer as you!
Thanks for the very kind comments Darcy