The Edublog Awards are now in their 6th year. Bloggers provide me with so much inspiration and so many new ideas that reflecting on the year for these awards is very pleasant indeed. It is also very difficult to choose just one blogger or tweep (apologies to colleagues who have missed out from me this year and I did agonise over this). 

My nominations are as follows:

  • Best individual blog – Chris Betcher because he continues to lead and generously share with all
  • Best individual tweeter – @steve_collis as I like his style
  • Best new blog (to me) – Simon Job for his excellent Maths teacher blogging
  • Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based – @etalbert for her wonderful 2.0 slideshare alerts
  • Most influential blog post – Stephen Downes‘, ‘An Operating System for the Mind’ is the best post I read in 2009
  • Best teacher blog – Kelli McGraw who continues to inspire English teachers
  • Best librarian / library blog – Judy O’Connell because it is!
  • Best educational tech support blog – Tomaz Lasic who continues to MOODLE and inspire his colleagues
  • Best educational wiki – Sue Waters’ PLN wiki
  • Best educational use of audio – The Virtual Staffroom

Perhaps others would consider nominating, for their excellent tweets and blogging in a number of categories, Tony Searl, Stu Hasic, Dean Groom, Simon Borgert, John Larkin, Martin Jorgensen, Steve Wheeler and Roger Pryor

Congratulations and good luck, you are all wonderful!

Here are my nominations for last year’s awards.



  1. Wow, thank you Darcy. Coming from you, I find that a huge compliment. Much appreciated mate.


  2. A fine list you got there Darcy, some crackin’ names there. It’s a bloody hard thing to do isn’t it.

    Mate, I stand by what I said about you on my own nominations, I wasn’t merely ‘returning a favour’.

    Thank you. Really. This is human network as some its best.



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