It really would be worth taking some time to explore the nominated blogs, wikis, tweeps, nings and educators nominated for Eddies this year. I intend to look at all of them during the holidays and reorganise my Google Reader to reflect my current interests.

After reading Miguel Guhlin’s post it got me thinking about what is the point (or what is best) about the Edublog Awards. Here, in one great long list, is a huge collection of the resources and learning professionals that someone cares enough about to nominate.

Take your time…there’s countless hours of care and love invested in these sites from teachers and educators around the globe who are going the extra mile. Enjoy this incredible collection of resources and share with your colleagues who are just making a start online!

Best individual blog

  1. 2 Cents Worth
  2. Always Learning Blog
  3. Betchablog
  4. Blogush
  5. Blue Skunk Blog
  6. Dangerously Irrelevant
  7. dy/dan
  9. Education Innovation
  10. elearnspace
  11. Free Technology for Teachers
  12. Ideas and Thoughts
  13. Informal Learning Blog
  14. Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom
  15. Jane’s eLearning Pick of the Day
  16. Joanne Jacobs
  17. Kalinago English
  18. Kathy Schrock’s Kaffeeklatsch
  19. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites Of The Day For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
  20. Learning Is Messy
  21. Learning Vision
  22. Learning with ‘e’s
  23. Making Change
  24. Moving At The Speed Of Creativity
  25. Open Thinking
  26. Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts
  27. ProfBlog
  28. Scholastic Scribe
  29. Six Things
  30. Social Media in Learning
  31. Stephen Downes OLDaily
  32. Sue Waters Blog
  33. Teacher Reboot Camp
  34. The Ed Techie
  35. The Innovator Educator
  36. The Neverending Search Blog
  37. Weblogg-ed

2. Best individual tweeter

  1. AngelaMaiers
  2. BudTheTeacher
  3. butwait
  4. steve_collis
  5. courosa
  6. Darcy1968
  7. hjarche
  8. JaneBozarth
  9. jdeyenberg
  10. jenwagner
  11. joevans
  12. josiefraser
  13. KarenJan
  14. karynromeis
  15. Larryferlazzo
  16. Marisa_C
  17. msgregson
  18. msjweir
  19. moehlert
  20. mtechman
  21. olliebray
  22. psychemedia
  23. rliberni
  24. russeltarr
  25. shareski
  26. ShellTerrell
  27. sidneyeve
  28. thecleversheep
  29. tombarrett
  30. Tomwhitby
  31. web20classroom

3.  Best group blog

  1. 360
  2. Afgahn Women’s Writing Project
  3. A Year of Reading
  4. Blogging Pedagogy
  5. Committed Sardine
  6. Ed Tech RoundUp
  7. Ed Tech Talk
  8. I.N.K. Interesting Nonfiction for Kids
  9. Infinite Thinking Machine
  10. In Practice
  11. Jay P Greene’s Blog
  12. LeaderTalk
  13. Library Garden
  14. MacMillian Dictionary Blog
  15. Pontydysgu – Bridge to Learning
  17. Redbridge Games Network
  18. SCC English
  19. Sup Teach
  20. Teacher Voices
  21. Tech & Learning Advisor Blog
  22. The Adams 14 Global Learner Blog
  23. The Educators’ Royal Treatment
  24. Traditions Across Europe
  25. WorkPlace Learning Today
  26. Yalsa Blog

4. Best new blog

  1. Agnostic, Maybe
  2. Chris Leach
  3. Classroom Book of the Week
  4. David Cox’s Questions?
  5. Dr Brown’s Blog
  6. East Dragon Den
  7. Edgalaxy
  9. EFT Musings and other Tidbits
  10. I’m A Dreamer
  11. In the pICTure
  13. Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
  14. Ken Wilson’s Blog
  15. Kristen Winkler
  16. Learning to Speak ‘Merican
  17. Look At My Happy Rainbow
  18. Marisa Constantinides – TEFL Matters
  19. Mr. Wiemers’ Shop
  20. Ozge Karaoglu’s blog
  21. performance.learning. productivity
  22. Read…Write…Talk
  23. Reality 101: CEC’s Blog for New Teachers
  24. School Food Matters
  25. Sweeney Math
  26. TAGMirror
  27. The Educators’ Royal Treatment
  28. Teaching Village
  29. Teach Paperless
  30. Teacher Reboot Camp
  31. Technology Tidbits
  32. Thinking in Mind
  33. This Week’s Education Humor
  34. The Web 2.0 Optimist
  35. Trails Optional
  36. Webmaths
  37. West Coast Left
  38. Why Did the Chickenman Cross the Road?
  39. Zarcoenglish – Tools of the Day

5. Best class blog

  1. Alice Project
  2. All Saints Languages Blog
  3. Billings Middle School Tech Class Blog
  4. Borman Blogging
  5. Class 4OQ’s Blog
  6. Creative Voice
  7. East Dragon Den
  8. English With Rosa
  9. Extreme Biology
  10. Fab4@Work
  11. Forrester High School Int 2 Info Systems
  12. Gelincik Grubu
  13. Griffin Science – 8th Grade
  14. Huzzah!
  15. Intermediate English class blog
  16. Luce Semester 2009
  17. Ka Tangi Hoki Ko Au Room 15 Blog
  18. Law Primary School East Lothian Primary 6 Blog
  19. MrCs Class Blog
  20. Mr McClung’s World
  21. Mrs. Yollis’ Classroom Blog
  22. Ms Mourad’s Absolutely Sensational Learners
  23. Mrs Goerend’s Blog
  24. Planet Infinity
  25. Room 10 Grey Lynn School
  26. Room 18’s Learning Journey blog
  27. Room 231
  28. Rumford Writers
  29. Saint Exupery 6
  30. South Paris Collaborative Chat
  31. Tamaki Tales
  32. Tamaki Primary Blockbusters
  33. Technology in the Classroom
  34. The Greatest Middle School Blog in the World
  35. The Overlakes 6th Grade Blog
  36. The Skinny
  37. Think in English
  38. Watch Out!

6. Best student blog

  1. Adora’s Blog
  2. Allison’s blog
  3. Civil War Sallie
  4. Eric’s Blog
  5. Gamer’s Spot
  6. Jess
  7. Josh
  8. Moo
  9. Nicola’s ePortfolio
  10. Rachel e-learning
  11. Suzanne Yada
  12. TanNuj’s Weblog
  13. Tiffany
  14. Toreka Pt England School
  15. Universo

7. Best resource sharing blog

  1. Around the Corner –
  2. Aula de Física
  3. Don’t Waste Your Time
  4. Doug Off The Record
  5. edGalaxy
  7. Educational Origami
  8. Elearning Technologies
  9. Emerging Internet Technologies for Education
  10. Free English Lessons Online
  11. Free Resources for education
  12. Free Technology for Teachers
  13. Free Resources from the Net for EVERY Learner
  14. f(t)
  15. Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day
  16. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day
  17. My English printable worksheets
  18. Nik’s Learning Technology Blog
  19. Open Culture
  20. Ozge Karaoglu’s Blog
  21. Sharing the Addiction
  22. Stephen Downes’s OLDaily
  23. Steve Spangler Blog
  24. Teaching the Civil War with Technology
  25. TeachPaperless
  26. Technology Tidbits:  Thoughts of a Cyber Hero
  27. The Exponential Curve
  28. Tim Rylands’ Web Log
  29. TipLine
  30. Welcome to NCS-Tech

8.  Most influential blog post

  1. Ann Marie Cunningham’s Tech addiction ‘harms learning’ …..really??? $24.99 and I am no wiser
  2.’s Head in the Clouds
  3. Danah Boyd’s Spectacle at Web2.0 Expo… from my perspective
  4. Dan Maas’s Writing with Laptops
  5. Burcu Akyol’s Spread Your Knowledge series
  6. Bud Hunt’s Would You Please Block?
  7. Dan Myer’s A Fifth Year Teacher’s Creed
  8. Dan Meyer’s What I Would Do With This: Groceries
  9. David Wiley’s A few notes about openness (and a request)
  10. Dean Shareski’s Student and Teacher blogging that succeeds
  11. Doug Johnson’s Where are the others?
  12. Intrepid Flame’s This, This, That
  13. James Clay’s The VLE is Dead – The Movie
  14. Jon’s A Manifesto for EduChange in the Eve of Hacking Education
  15. Joyce Valenca’s My 2.0 day and the response/rant about our cover argument
  16. Joyce Valenza & Doug Johnson Things That Keep Us Up at Night
  17. Liz B. Davis’s 10 Tips for Teaching Technology to Teachers
  18. Marisa Constantinides on  How to become an ELT Teacher Educator
  19. Martin Weller’s Using learning environments as a metaphor for educational change
  20. Michael Fienen’s The Great Keynote Meltdown of 2009
  21. Michael Smith’s Germ X Generation
  22. Scott McCleod’s Calling all bloggers! – Leadership Day 2009
  23. Sean Nash’s The Four Pillars of Technology Integration
  24. Shelly Terrell’s EdChat’s “Join the Conversation”
  25. Stephen Downes’s An Operating System for the Mind
  26. Steve Wheeler’s Another nail in the coffin?
  27. TeachPaperless’s Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
  28. Wes Fryer’s Debating the propriety of blanket censorship by school IT departments
  29. Will Richardson’s The Obama Speech
  30. Will Richardson’s Don’t, Don’t, Don’t vs. Do, Do, Do

9.  Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion

  1. Blogworthy Tweets
  2. #edchat
  3. #edayz09
  4. #geekpoll
  5. #lrnchat#lrnchat blog
  6. #movemeon
  7. #ontarioplp
  8. #teachertuesday

10. Best teacher blog

  1. Always Learning
  2. Andrew B. Watt’s Blog
  3. Blogging About the Web 2.0 Connected Classroom
  4. Blogger in Middle-earth
  5. Blogush
  6. Box Of Tricks
  7. Cool Cat Teacher
  8. Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere
  9. Darcy Moore’s Blog
  10. David Truss: Pair-a-dimes for your thoughts
  11. Division By Zero
  12. dy/dan
  14. f(t)
  15. iTeach
  16. Langwitches Blog
  17. Learn Me Good
  18. Life Feast
  19. Kelli’s Blog
  20. Mr Robbo – The P.E Geek
  21. Music is Not For Insects
  22. Musings from a Not-So-Master Teacher
  23. Nashworld
  24. Philly Teacher
  25. Pissed Off Teacher
  26. Practical Theory
  27. Science Teacher
  28. The Scholastic Scribe
  29. Tip of The Iceberg
  30. Tween Teacher
  31. Two Writing Teachers
  32. Welcome to NCS Tech

11. Best librarian / library blog

  1. A Fuse #8 Productions
  2. Bloggit
  3. Bright Ideas
  4. Blue Skunk
  5. Cathy Nelson’s Professional Thoughts
  6. Hey Jude
  7. LCS ES Media Blog
  8. Librarian by Day Blog
  9. Library Tech Musings
  10. Lucacept
  11. My Mind Gap
  12. Never Ending Search
  13. Not So Distant Future
  14. The Unquiet Librarian
  15. The Unquiet Library
  16. The Waki Librarian
  17. The Web Footed Book Lady
  18. Wired Librarian
  19. World’s Strongest Librarian

12.  Best educational tech support blog

  1. Assorted Stuff
  2. Blogging About the Web 2.0 Connected Classroom
  3. Box of Tricks
  4. Creating Lifelong Learners
  5. e4Africa
  7. Human
  8. iLearn Technology
  9. Langwitches
  10. Life Feast
  11. Nik’s Learning Technology Blog
  12. Open Thinking
  13. Ozge Karaoglu’s Blog
  14. Pipweks
  15. Rapid Elearning Blog
  16. Simulações e Animações Conceptuais no Ensino da Física e da Química
  17. Sue Waters Blog
  18. Teach 42
  19. Teachers Love Smartboards
  20. The Power Of Educational Technology
  21. Thumann Resources
  22. TechTicker
  23. The Edublogger
  24. The Innovator Educator
  25. The Whiteboard Blog
  26. Using ICT in Further Education

13. Best elearning / corporate education blog

  1. Adventures in Corporate Education
  2. Angela Maiers
  3. Assistive Technology
  4. El Camarote
  5. e-learning, conocimiento en red y web colectiva
  6. eLearning Technology
  7. elearnspace
  8. Janet Clarey
  9. Learning with ‘e’s
  10. Life Feast
  11. MPB Reflections — 21st Century Teaching and Learning
  12. Rapid Elearning blog
  13. Teaching Ideas and Resources
  14. Workplace Learning Today

14.  Best educational use of audio

  1. Aussiekids
  2. Bit by Bit
  3. Breaking News English
  4. Diane’s ESL Podcast
  5. EdTechTalk
  6. Gator Radio Experience
  7. Get Smart podcasts
  8. Kerry J’s Conference Coverage
  9. Kidcast
  10. Latin Poetry Podcast
  11. LearnTrends
  12. MediaSnackers
  13. MP Radio
  14. Musical Blogies
  15. My Audio School
  16. Podkids
  17. Seedlings
  18. SLF Talk
  19. Teacher 2.0 podcasts
  20. Teachers Teaching Teachers
  21. The A.T.Tipscast
  22. The Virtual Staffroom
  23. Tech Chicks Podcast
  24. Wesley Fryer
  25. Wicked Decent Learning
  26. Xyleme Voices features

15.  Best educational use of video / visual

  1. Angela Maiers
  2. Common Craft Plain English Series
  3. Bitacora de Ánibal de la Torre
  4. Brent Coley’s Study Cast & iPod Flash Cards
  5. Dan Meyer’s What Can You Do With This?
  6. Darren Elliot’s Lives of Teachers
  7. Dave Cormier’s “Presenting With Live Slides”
  8. Edit Foundry
  9. Hatak’s AP Chemistry Podcast
  10. Inanimate Alice
  11. ISTE Eduverse Talk
  12. Leon Cych’s conference recordings
  13. MediaSnackers
  14. Michael Wesch’s videos showcase
  15. Musical Blogies
  16. Rhett Allain’s Dot Physics
  17. Russell Stannard
  18. Saint Joseph Digital Express
  19. Smart History: The Blog
  20. Steve Spangler’s blog
  21. TEFLclips
  22. The Longfellow Ten
  23. Torley Linden
  24. Tom Barrett – interesting ways
  25. viz.: Visual Rhetoric — visual culture — pedagogy

16.  Best educational wiki

  1. Benson Bobcat Wiki
  2. Business English Online
  3. CDSPD
  4. Web 2.0 Cool tools for School
  5. Digitally Speaking
  6. East Dragon Den wiki
  7. EdOrigami
  8. Ed Tech Round Up
  9. Ed Tech Wiki
  11. Greetings From The World
  12. Getting Tricky With Wikis
  13. HUMS3001: Censorship and Responsibility
  14. Indispensible Tools
  15. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  16. Joykaydia
  17. King/Chavez 3rd Grade
  18. Ktitraci
  19. Kohner wiki
  20. Learning For Content
  21. Learning Telecollaborative
  22. NDSL wiki
  23. Moving Forward
  24. One World Project Wiki!
  25. Open Education 09 wiki
  26. Open Thinking
  27. Ozge Karaoglu’s wiki
  28. PLN Yourself!
  29. Second Life Wiki
  30. Soar 2 New Heights
  31. Springfield Township Virtual Library
  32. Teaching with Thinking and Technology
  33. Teachmeet Wiki
  34. The File Cabinet
  35. The UDLTechToolKit
  36. Web 2.0 Guru
  37. WebTools4U2Use
  38. Wikieducator
  39. WSD’s eToolbox

17.  Best educational use of a social networking service

  1. Beth Still ISTE/ NECC Newbie Project
  2. Classroom 2.0
  3. Country Day School Ning
  4. Digiteen Ning
  5. Educator PLN ning
  6. EFL Classroom 2.0
  7. eLearning Professionals on Facebook
  8. Elementary Tech Teachers ning
  9. English Companion Ning
  10. Fireside Learning: Conversations about Education
  11. Independent School Educators Network
  12. LearnTrends Online Conference
  13. Mathematics24×7
  14. MSP2 Maths & Science Pathways Online Social Network
  15. OnlineProjects4Teachers
  16. Principles of Biology
  17. RSC Access and Inclusion Ning
  18. Saltashrainbow
  19. Second Classroom
  20. talk.ed
  21. Technology Integration in Education
  22. The Assistive Technology Ning

18.  Best educational use of a virtual world

  1. CANVAS (Children’s Art in the Virtual Arena of Scotland)
  2. DEN SL Blog
  3. Edunation
  4. ISTE’s Second Life island
  5. Reaction Grid
  6. SecondLife Education New Zealand
  7. School of Nursing, University of Kansas
  8. SIGMS in Second Life
  9. Sloodle
  10. The International Schools Island (isi)
  11. The UC Davis Virtual Hallucination simulation
  12. Virtual Graduation at the University of Edinburgh
  13. Virtual Macbeth – Angela Thomas
  14. Virtual Round Table Conference

19.  Lifetime achievement

  1. David Warlick
  2. Doug Johnson
  3. Jane Hart
  4. Jay Cross
  5. John Davitt
  6. Jo Kay
  7. Josie Fraser
  8. Judy O’Connell
  9. Karl Fisch
  10. Kevin Jarrett
  11. Larry Ferlazzo
  12. Peggy Sheehy
  13. Richard Bryne
  14. Scott McLeod
  15. Stephen Downes
  16. Steve Hargadon
  17. Sue Waters
  18. Vicki Davis
  19. Wes Fryer
  20. Will Richardson


  1. Wonderful list of resources….

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