
The NSW Deputy Principals’ conference continues today. DPs have signed up to our conference ning and many more are using Yammer. Change is in the air.

My presentation, ‘Communicating Online’ is ‘a prezi’.


I had my PLN say hello via yammer and twitter during the workshop, there were some pearls of wisdom. The request for Yammer:

Yammer enthusiasts, I need your help, would you say hello to the DPs and tell them why Yammer is a great tool for us DET people? If you wish to wax lyrical about PLNs, blogs, edmodo, blogED etc. feel free to do so. #dpconf10

elicted 23 responses during the workshop.

Many more tweeps responded, from far and near, to the call:

Please say hello to deputy principals learning about social media at our conference in Sydney. Why do use twitter? Where are you? #dpconf10


You can see from the responses to my questions above that twitter and yammer offer different perspectives and deepen our PLN opportunities. Think global act local?

Yammer and twitter are complementary tools IMHO. I know that online colleagues I respect feel that Yammer is another symptom of the DET ‘walled garden’ but the reality is that over 5000 colleagues have now joined (there were only 60 in February). It is a great tool for DET employees to collaborate and is leading more to find Twitter too. The groups are active, especially MOODLE and blogED, with many yams everyday. We are leveraging our corporate wisdom and knowledge.

Here’s the conference hashtag at Yammer for DET staff and also on #dpconf10 on twitter


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