10 things ‘a faculty’ can do in preparation for 1:1 (laptops) in classrooms:

1. Support the school’s agenda – help to make good ideas work but also shape them with positive input followed by action. HTs have a special role here in leading their faculty positively and realistically. Be collaborative and then complete honest reflection using the SWOT tool.

2. Share locally with colleagues – who work in the same faculty at a different school. Do this in a range of ways, including creating an online presence and identity for the faculty. Is there a member of the faculty who could help set up a blog or wiki or work on the school website? Support, and if necessary re-invigorate, local networks and share ideas and resources.

3. Champion student needs – and focus on what will enhance student enjoyment, engagement, learning and outcomes.

4. Develop collaborative units – using MOODLE and thinking about engaging students with sound pedagogy, not just technology. These 2 Minute Moodles will help.

5. Conferences – ensure that each faculty member leaves the pond each year and sees what is best practice as presented at conferences. Encourage staff to present at conferences and promote the good work of the faculty and school.

6. Agitate – for professional development, resources and time. Have a plan and sell it to the Boss. Make it align (and shape) the school plan. Engage with your professional association.

7. Know your team can make a difference – and be positive. Pace yourself to do a little towards the collective faculty goals each week. Who can help you and who can you help in your faculty? Who can help your team from another faculty?

8. Revisit – ICT outcomes and cross-curriculum content strategically in faculty meeting and then set plans for action. Backward mapping is an effective strategy to employ.

9. Tech Tip of the Week – publish ideas that will help colleagues, encourage everyone in the faculty to participate in developing sound pedagogy using digital technologies. Formally share successful and failed lessons/ideas/strategies in faculty meetings.

10. Reflect – as a faculty and individual on what must change and what stays in your programs. Talk pedagogy and digital technologies, not just about new tools. Permit failure and encourage openess. Be learners. Be collaborative.


Here are the suggestions from colleagues about what a faculty can do in preparation for the L4L rollout later in the year:





    • darcymoore

    • 16 years ago

    …and from Richard Byrne.

    Hi Darcy,

    Here are a few of things that we’re doing in my school to prepare for 1:1. First, teachers have been advised to consider the physical arrangement of the classroom for the purposes of power outlet accessibility and classroom management of laptop use. Second, we’re (actually it’s me doing the work) establishing websites for each department to which each teacher can upload digital copies of notes, assignments, and other materials. On a case by case basis we’re (again, I’m actually the one doing the work) integrating a blogging platform for teachers. Third, over the summer teachers will come in for PD workshops to learn about some resources and their applications for their content area.


    • kellimcgraw

    • 16 years ago

    There were a few tweets I sent (too late at night!) that might have been lost in the wash:
    * Survey/interview/talk to students in your classes to find out how THEY see laptops being used in your subject.
    * Faculties can prepare a technology ‘audit’ survey to use with students in their subject (i.e. to see what kids have access to and experience with at home).
    * Watch for KLA-specific resources coming online at TaLe and CK-12 websites. Some KLA content-based lesson/unit ideas on the way.
    * Buddy up. Pair teachers who are more experienced with ICT with teachers who need some support for informal PD and reflection.

    • Imelda Judge

    • 16 years ago

    Break down the fear factor by familiarising other staff with brief, fun quizz activities that they can do in the classroom. Remember “Who wants to be a Millionare?”? Part of the problem is that teachers fear moving to ICT is moving away from the teacher-centred classroom and therefore they might lose control! Short, successful bursts that foster productivity but still allow teacher control until they feel safe to venture further are the best way to start.

    • Imelda Judge

    • 16 years ago

    Of course, if they don’t get familiar soon they will be left behind. I can only imagine the difficulties they will face when they move from a class where the teacher is up to date to their classrooms where it might seem like the dark ages suddenly!!

  1. By June 30, 1,000 schools in NSW will have Connected Classrooms (professional quality videoconferencing). This is PERFECT for your second point “2. Share locally with colleagues – who work in the same faculty at a different school. ”

    We really need to be using the VC a lot more than we are. The stats are actually not as encouraging as they should be.

  2. @Imelda – take a look at Jeopardy – http://stuhasic.com/jeopardy – might be the catalyst you need.

    • darcymoore

    • 16 years ago

    That’s good Stu (edit this on May 19, 2009 at 10:30 pm paralleldivergence). Faculty use of the Connected Classrooms could work well. Maybe a shared faculty meeting – or a faculty showing what they are doing. We need to use the video conferencing unit more.

    • Lynne Mullane

    • 16 years ago

    Thanks Darcy. I find tapping into student expertise is essential. Have 2 year 12 students who have an IT business. They are more than happy to help and have offered to run IWB workshops at the term 3 SDD. IPT teacher is setting up a Moodle as a sample for others. At SDD term 2 we had a range of ICT based workshops – Clickview, IWB. Proved very beneficial to staff. By initially supporting interested staff with IT room updates (instal IWB into classroom) allowed skills to develop quickly. This teacher was able to actually show what she has done with her classes (practical rather than theoretical) – great staff response as result. Biggest hurdle is providing room upgrades for all who are interested (especially for younger staff who are more digitally literate). Lynne

    • darcymoore

    • 16 years ago

    As some of my colleagues have pointed out there is nothing in this list that is ‘unusual’ – it is just good professional practice.

    What’s your perception?

    What is ‘too hard’ here?

  3. What is “too hard”? Changing reluctant and skeptical teachers’ attitudes.

    • Troy

    • 16 years ago

    Yes, good professional practice, what is stopping us then?? An individual here and there isn’t good enough…What is “too hard”? Changing reluctant and skeptical teachers’ attitudes. Concur.

    • Andrew

    • 16 years ago

    Faculties might need to agitate for software to be included in the SOE. The netbooks could be locked down to the point where software installation at the school level is not possible. The Microsoft and Adobe applications that will ship with the netbooks may not meet all requirements of some faculties.

    • Andrew FitzSimons

    • 16 years ago

    Is good! Imelda is correct.
    ‘Faculty chat’ is covered in many points , but is both the the hardest to shape and often the most crucial. By the end of 2010 this school may well have 600 laptops on site. We are approaching a moment none of us will ever forget. We must do our utmost to keep the conversation positive: “We are good at learning, we are amongst those who are going to benefit most, we are on the ride of our lives.” etc, etc. In some schools the staff room conversation will be the other, and destructive.

  4. I was going to get into this discussion, as a parent of two girls, but what I have to say would probably take several pages.

    I will point the forum to my blog after I have completed my musings…:-)

  5. We conducted a number of “technology tasters” last year in SDD term 3. Including, wiki, podcasts, webquests, clickview, connnected classrooms, Tale etc. Term 4 was followed up with Professional Learning Teams x1. This was across faculties. Staff feedback was good. Staff all did the CLAS survey and we looked at the Data. This data is so out of date now. only 6 months down the track. We are creating my own survey on Survey Monkey. We need some baseline data.
    @Darcy1968 is spot on with the collaborative list for faculties, however what i am struggling to convince my HTs, how essential their role is to act as a pivotal enthusiast. To ensure this L4L happens, I have a tech team collobarating again tomorrow undertaking their own action learning …they will then be stones in the pond…
    I am confident we are going to move quicker than anyone predicts…in 6 months. will we be thinking .. what was all the fuss! Maybe?
    PS Hi Lynne

    • imelda judge

    • 16 years ago

    Thanks paralleldivergence! Yes I have used jeopardy too. Oldie but goodie for ICT newies!! And yes Denise , so true. HTs have an essential role. They must be the pivotal enthusiast and in many staff situations this will be a common prob.Those that do have to keep on doing and sing quiet success until the others catch on.

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