For many youths, ‘entertainment and socialisation blend seamlessly’ and stats published this month show YouTube reached ‘4.1 million kids 2-11 and 8.9 million teens 12-17. That’s more than 5 million more teens than the No. 2 video destination, MySpace.’
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I like to think that using online/digital pedagogy will also enable student to develop toward a state where ‘entertainment, socialisation AND LEARNING blend seamlessly’.
This is different to the concept of students learning how to BALANCE work and play, instead moving toward ‘blended’ activity. Student socialise and learn as they blog. They learn and are entertained by each others podcasts and film clips. This also goes to the heart of what it means to be motivated intrinsically, as learning is framed as an enjoyable and satisfying exercise.
Melissa Giddins
Yes, and both of those sites are blocked by the DET. Hard to work where the kids are at when we can’t get in there. I would love to create a classroom MySpace with the pictures and music, podcasts and videos, random graffiti and nuggets of gold that is fun for them to explore. I wish there were more “things with templates” like MySpace etc available to create stuff that was accessible at school.
DET is working – with Microsoft – on a MySpace-like application for students.