Clay Shirky

NYU Adjunct Professor of New Media, Clay Shirky talking on Brian Lehrer Live about how the internet is changing society. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.2216046&w=425&h=350&fv=docId%3D-7146708668148684044%26playerMode%3Dsimple%26hl%3Den] more about “Clay Shirky“, posted with vodpod  

'The Clay Layer'

The glacial pace of change in Education is a theme constantly discussed by colleagues I admire but mostly I hear the opposite, that change is too relentless, too challenging. Systems seem to have some inbuilt, organic way of slowing change – preserving the status quo – and even when the paradigm shift is acknowledged, key players seem unable to generate the […]

#Bridge Street

[slideshare id=1135334&doc=pln-090312035338-phpapp02] My presentation for principals today didn’t go as smoothly as one would hope. We had poor internet access and streaming videos and pages loading properly was problematic. However, my PLN was great and tweeted hellos using the hashtag #BridgeSt. Hopefully some delegates came away enthused with the potential of these tools.

ISER Conference Presentation – Web 2.0 & PLNs

[slideshare id=972683&doc=web-20-plns-1233348493321848-2] My intention for this presentation above, given at the ISER Regional Conference, was to propose a way that we could engage students using new tools by transforming professional development in our region with Web 2.0 concepts. Students would benefit enormously as our colleagues became more Web 2.0 savvy and ‘new thinking’ entered classrooms (along with laptops/learning devices and […]

Directions, Goals and Influencers

I always like to start the school year with a clear sense of direction and personal professional priorities and goals; a sort of pre-reflection, if that makes sense. It goes without saying that one needs, as an educator, to be a: – better learner – better teacher – better leader and to do something personally […]

EPIC 2015

I missed this a year ago when it was first posted to YouTube. The creators create a scenario where in 2015 Googlezon is created and the media as we know it is no longer. What do you think? [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1940726&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] more about “EPIC 2015“, posted with vodpod  

The 2008 Edublog winners

The winners of the 2008 Eddies include: The English Blog Free Technology for Teachers Angela Maiers The Cool Cat Teacher Hey Jude Teachers love Smartboards Ed Tech Talk Classroom 2.0 David Warlick Congratulations everyone!

Darcy’s Blog: Best of 2008

  Blog Wordle 2008   2008 has been a great year. The election of Barack Obama has been the highlight and the failure of the Rudd Government to deliver the ‘Digital Education Revolution’, via the states, the lowlight. I have enjoyed your blog posts; hope you have gained something from mine, occasionally. The following of my […]

Open Letter to an Education System Leader

Mr __________,   Our community appreciates your attendance at our awards ceremony at such a busy time of the year.   While you are here, I was hoping to take the opportunity to present an outline of an idea that is both representative of the paradigm shift in education but also an example of how our […]

Us Now

Us Now is a film I am particularly keen to see as it explores the power of mass collaboration and the internet on the way we govern our affairs. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1827734&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] more about “Us Now “, posted with vodpod  

ETA Conference: Web 2.0 Workshop

Colleagues, Far too often at conference ‘workshops’ are merely lectures in masquerade…not today! Now that you have listened to my brief presentation, attempting to define the Web 2.0 and it’s impact, lets try and establish the beginnings of the Personal Learning Networks (PLN) discussed earlier. You may wish to choose your path from the following suite […]

ETA Conference: Blogs and Blogging Workshop

Welcome to this ‘Blogs and Blogging’ ETA workshop. We have 30 computers but with so many particpants you may have to share a computer, which may work out well as we collaborate today (and in the future?) to develop our blogs and networks. The rubric for the workshop: The media landscape, especially journalism, has undergone […]

2008 Edublog Award Nominations

My choices for the Edublog Awards are as follows: Best individual blog – Sue Waters’ Mobile Technology in TAFE and The Edublogger have provided so many ideas and practical tips. My fav. posts have been about PLNs and the way Sue demonstrated these at workshops. Best new blog – Tomaz Lasic’s, Human gives this Perth based MOODLE enthusiast […]

The Wisdom of Crowds

James Surowiecki, the author of The Wisdom of Crowds, argues that people, when we act en masse, are smarter than we think. He suggests in this TED talk that the 2005 tsunami, when YouTube video, blogs, IMs and txts carried the news and preserved moving personal stories from the tragedy was the moment when social […]

A Twitter love song

Sue Waters mentioned a ‘Twitter Love Song’ in her comment about my Twitter post. The opening lyrics are just perfectly poetic, considering that my inclination is to talk some English teaching colleagues into using Twitter. Also, I particularly like the idea of Twitter being a virtual ‘watercooler’. Enjoy this and thanks to Martin Weller. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1678267&w=425&h=350&fv=] more […]

How the law is strangling creativity

Laurence Lessig’s new book, Remix, explores the themes discussed mentioned in this TED video. Some of the remixed clips are pretty funny, especially ‘Jesus – The Musical’. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1449335&w=425&h=350&] more about “How the law is strangling creativity “, posted with vodpod    

Web Search Strategies in Plain English

How do you search the web effectively? Another in the ‘Plain English’ series of brief instructional videos. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1593352&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about “Web Search Strategies in Plain Englis…“, posted with vodpod  

Spooks Code 9

Spooks Code 9 is a new BBC drama set in 2013 after a nuclear bomb explodes at the London Olympics. The program has some interesting digital marketing ideas. You can: watch the first 10 minutes of each episode online before it screens be updated at Liberty News, a fictional online news site that invites viewers to enter this post-nuclear world where […]

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