Education revolution

An article in The Australian, Education revolution worries teachers makes for interesting reading. Read it for yourself, but the statistic claiming only 27% of teachers – ‘…believed the internet was transforming the way they engaged their students…’ would be of fundamental concern. I would like to see the survey to understand exactly what was asked. And Greg Black’s […]

Journalism in the Digital Age

Howard Rheingold’s vlog has some interesting videos. Here’s one that asks the question, “What do journalism students need to know in the digital era?” [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.606073&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about “Journalism in the Digital Age“, posted with vodpod  

Online video stats

For many youths, ‘entertainment and socialisation blend seamlessly’ and stats published this month show YouTube reached ‘4.1 million kids 2-11 and 8.9 million teens 12-17. That’s more than 5 million more teens than the No. 2 video destination, MySpace.’


Ironically, I wrote Boys and their Electronic Toys: Pleasure and Becoming Multiliterate (p67-72) published in mETAphor and SCAN, just after I gave up playing video games. Having a new baby, house and job demanded that I uninstalled European Battleground and the Total War franchise. My copy of WoW provided me with a free month subscription then […]

Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs)

DET has purchased an enterprise license for Promethean’s ACTIVstudio as the IWB Lesson Creation Software tool. Here are some links for TPL using IWBs:


The revolution is being televised: and it will be wonderful. We have an opportunity now to really start to innovate and re-position schools as relevant 21st century educational institutions. The challenges are extant but it is going to be exciting; the glass is half-full. View some laptop lessons.

Annotations feature at YouTube and more on Twitter

The annotations feature now available at YouTube has been used to make this interactive card trick. I’d love to hear any ideas on how this can be used with classes. Neither video can be embedded into vodpod, unfortunately, hence the links. Also, keen to hear how Twitter can be used with classes (I have posted […]

HSC examinations

Maralyn Parker has written about the Board of Studies this week and suggested cracks are beginning to show. The examination system relies on truckloads of papers being driven all over the state, then picked-up to driven all over the state for marking. How long before we consider the format of these exams and how it […]

Youth Twitter

Some staff are keen to use blogs and with the vodpod widget should be able to develop a good resource that students can access at home and school. I am sure good ideas will emerge as understanding grows. It is a pity that Twitter cannot be accessed at work; this Wired article explains the benefits. I […]


The Library of Congress is hosting a series of 4 lectures on ‘Digital Natives’ with speakers including Michael Wesch, Steven Johnson and Douglas Rushkoff. The first lecture has been webcast: The Anthropology of Digital Natives but you need RealPlayer to view. I will post subsequent webcasts as they are uploaded.


We have had a second day of challenges at work without internet access. Soul Communications, DET’s ISP, has failed to impress and are being called ‘Two-Tel’ by their own staff; bodes well for our future.

Web 2.0 and Work

A tough day today. The internet was down all day and the SBR reporting system could not be accessed for more than an hour or two at the height of report season. It is frustrating that staff (and students) are blocked from using many of the Web 2.0 sites I take for granted at home but […]


Newspaper articles so often seem to be written in an historical vaccuum. Have Australians ever glorified ‘villians’ in previous eras, when the media was less pervasive? Of course, we can mention Ned Kelly and a whole host of bushrangers, along with more recent examples that are similiar to Carl Williams eg Chopper Read. Historically, ballads and folk […]

This week…

commenced with some Professional Development courtesy of on the Digital Revolution. Mark Pesce gave a great keynote that was uploaded to his blog that day. Joined a number of networking sites this week – all I already knew about but had not gotten around to joining – as a result, being one and twitter, digg […]

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