Web 2.0 and Work

A tough day today. The internet was down all day and the SBR reporting system could not be accessed for more than an hour or two at the height of report season. It is frustrating that staff (and students) are blocked from using many of the Web 2.0 sites I take for granted at home but […]


Newspaper articles so often seem to be written in an historical vaccuum. Have Australians ever glorified ‘villians’ in previous eras, when the media was less pervasive? Of course, we can mention Ned Kelly and a whole host of bushrangers, along with more recent examples that are similiar to Carl Williams eg Chopper Read. Historically, ballads and folk […]

This week…

commenced with some Professional Development courtesy of education.au on the Digital Revolution. Mark Pesce gave a great keynote that was uploaded to his blog that day. Joined a number of networking sites this week – all I already knew about but had not gotten around to joining – as a result, me.edu.au being one and twitter, digg […]

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