This is the first presentation using Prezi I have ever completed; although I have started a few in the past 12 months before the pressure of being prepared for whatever conference led me to not finish (and use my blog or PowerPoint). 

Prezi has turned out to be a fun tool – once you ‘get’ the concept – and I highly recommend it.

Critical comments – on form, style and content – (on this draft) are welcome. Be gentle though, this is my first time and I know my next prezi will be much sleeker. Prezi will not embed to blogs and the work around is to use Vodpod which looks a little dodgy. You might want to see it at the direct link hosted at Prezi.

Anyways, I suggest you click autoplay if you try the below version but it is a bit lame without the narration or music:

However, the process of drafting the presentation, for our Year 11 conference, has led to much reflection about the pedagogy possible in institutions and the need for reformation of our systems; especially assessment and reporting which drives education in our country.

You can read those reflections here.



  1. Good to see the recognition of creative commons – and their role in moving the agenda for sensible licensing for educational purposes. Identify CC material in advanced search engines under ‘licensing’ . Recently Adobe curriculum material has come under CC. I’d also recommend / Gliffy- but lets not forget the array of tools & utilities already available to students via the Adobe and Microsoft suites.

    • Imelda Judge

    • 15 years ago

    Love it! Much better than a slow, heavy powerpoint and an excellent point of reference for those newbie techies like me who are still trying to keep up! Love prezi!

  2. I’ve loved working with Prezi. It’s interesting and forces me to think in chunks about the programs I present. Great tool.

    Just another way to think about one thing you have on this presentation – “free books” from the Gutenberg project. As an author who discovered at the 11th hour that my books had been scanned and archived for sale or distribution without my knowledge or permission, I find the Gutenberg project to be upsetting. We authors were not consulted ahead of time, and we were told they would “give us a small percentage” of digital sales. What happened to copyrights? It’s getting murky out there and we need to always think about the consequences of taking away the rewards and protections from the creative ones who write and produce those things we love to read or hear. Nothing is “free.” Someone wrote those books, just as someone wrote and performed the music you love, wrote software, created computers that we love to use, and created systems to make our lives easier. We don’t go into restaurants and sample the food and expect it to be free! We don’t go stay at a hotel and sample the living quarters overnight and expect it to be free. We can’t get in a taxi and sample the ride to the airport and expect it to be free. In the interest of creativity continuing to expand and bless us all, let’s be sure the innovators, writers, and producers of artistic and educational resources are rewarded else we lose the opportunities for new works. It’s wonderful to preach about being altruistic and giving to community, but authors have to eat, too!

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