Lawrence Lessig on ‘Openess’: TED Talk
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by Darcy Moore I am currently listen to the live stream from TEDxLondon of the #EducationRevolution. Here are the speakers and the Facebook page for the event. Sir Ken Robinson has just opened the conference with his usual inspiring clarity. His anecdote relating Peter Brook‘s beliefs regarding theatre, that you can strip almost everything […]
After watching this talk I feel a little depressed about the graph on the ability of adults to aquire a second language. I also feel that so many of us native English speakers are increasingly going to be disadvantaged in a multilingual global environment. Q: Can anyone comment about their experiences learning a second language […]
Anyone who read my blog in 2010 would know how a trip to Shanghai opened my eyes to what we have all been reading about over the last few years, the rise of China. The 2009 PISA results and commentaries seemed to quantify the obvious investment, vision and an absolute respect for the importance of education that I […]
How many schools, that wish to innovate and recreate learning spaces for New Times, are hampered by ‘the buildings’ and ‘the space’ the community have inherited from a bygone age? How are the conditions created to best assist change to occur when funding is scant? In this TED talk Emily Pilloton explores ‘appropriate design solutions’ […]
Nic Marks‘ TED presentation about what really matters is inspiring and deserving of a very wide, powerful and influential audience. Please watch it and share with your coleagues, students and friends.
Clay Shirky‘s TED talk deserves 13 minutes of your time.