Senator Conroy’s recent announcement about the censorship of the internet in Australia has disturbed and perturbed Australians who reflect intelligently on the nature of our civil society and the freedoms we enjoy.

The benignly titled press release, ‘Measures to improve safety of the internet for families’ has been released in the week before christmas in an attempt to escape analysis from a distracted public and journalists.

I would encourage you to read this post by @trib and applaud Penny Sharpe’s stand. Stilgherrian has been writing passionately about this issue in Crikey and at his blog all year.

Please find the time to understand this censorship and express your disgust! Consider emailing Senator Conroy about this fundamentally important issue of internet censorship in Australia via the GetUp site.

Many people have stopped following Kevin Rudd on twitter in protest too.

The #nocleanfeed hashtag on twitter and site will help keep you up to date and informed, as well as expressing our protests at this government folly.



    • johnp

    • 15 years ago

    Hi Darcy
    Before sending off the standard pre-formatted response to Senator Conroy you might like to look at It’s interesting to see how the democratic process proceeds. 🙂

    • darcymoore

    • 15 years ago

    A superb article, thanks John!

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