I have commenced experimenting with Startpage – the “world’s #1 privacy search engine” – which has launched in Australia.

This search engine accesses “nine other search engines all at once” and does not collect your data. Increasingly, privacy and the regulations which govern the internet are being debated widely, as online life assumes more and more importance to citizens of our planet.

It seems that Startpage have the right idea and will grow in popularity rapidly, assuming your average punter finds out about it.

Here’s the very cheesy Australian version of their video:

[vodpod id=Video.3775232&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

more about “Startpage Australia“, posted with vodpod


Hat tip: Stilgherrian and Crikey. On twitter too you find @startpagesearch



    • Dave G

    • 14 years ago

    I’ve been using SP since before they launched in Australia, and definitely recommend them, especially if you regard what you search for as private information.

    @crikey: Who’ll care? People who believe that mega-corporations don’t need to know what you search for on the net.

    • William

    • 14 years ago

    I agree with the previous responder.

    Everything I search for I regard as private. It’s simply nobody’s business but my own, & I too like & use StartPage, but I mix & match also with SSL Scroogle — https://ssl.scroogle.org/

    And there are others too; do not give up searching if you want to remain as free as possible in this fast technological (c)age.

    Human beings are born as Sovereigns – bestowed with inalienable human rights, & most may not know this, but there are only two things we can do with these rights – exercise them, or waive them (voluntarily or unwittingly). Invariably when one chooses not to regularly exercise one’s rights, over time those rights slowly but surely erode away.

    Choosing Startpage or other search engines like it in order to search the web with more anonymity, firmly exercises your inalienable rights as a free human being, amongst a sea of ‘persons’. If one wants to be or remain a Sovereign, then one should better start acting like one…

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