Recently I’ve been chatting with lots of teachers new to Twitter or keen to experience the service. I’ve sent them links that list ways to find teachers and professionals to follow on Twitter.

Here’s an alphabetical list of 10 Australian educators that I get great value from on Twitter:

Chris Betcher

Dean Groom

Elaine Talbert

Kelli McGraw

John Larkin

Judy O’Connell

Julian Ridden

Sue Waters

Tomaz Lasic

Tony Searl

Melissa Giddens, Kim Pericles and Troy Martin are relatively new to Twitter and teachers to follow. Victor Davidson is yet another teacher-librarian who is an enthusiast in many areas of our profession.

Following the English Teachers’ Asscociation and the NSW Board of Studies may be useful to you too.

This list could have been much lengthier and maybe your comments could detail some other great teachers you follow? I am bound to have left someone off who I’d have included (but following almost 600 people makes it increasingly difficult remember everyone) so apologies in advance.



    • mgiddins

    • 16 years ago

    Thanks for the mention on the list, Darcy. I have had many conversations with teachers in the last few weeks about Twitter, and the comment that I always make is that it is who you follow that determines what kind of Twitter experience you have. I have had more access to ‘latest news’ and professional information since joining twitter than I ever had before just at my school. Good on you for creating a starting list for others to have a similar experience – I will certainly link to it on my blog.

  1. Hi Darcy

    Just clicked ‘Follow’ for your on Twitter..thought I’d introduce myself.
    I’m a School Education Director in Hunter Central Coast Region and a user of ICT in school settings since 1985. Author of a number of websites since about 1997, Primary Principal for almots 20 years, former website manager and President of NSW Primary Principals’ Association and now co-ordinators of a range of Collaborative Online Workspaces for Hunter CC Region using Sharepoint, Moodle eg and WordPress eg

    Hope dinner goes well tonight !!


    • darcymoore

    • 16 years ago

    Thanks Melissa, you are obviously enjoying Twitter (and I understand where you’re coming from with this excitement, as I feel it too) and the professional development it enables. Us DET bods need to spread the word and get our colleagues developing PLNs too.

    Thanks Roger. I am so keen for DET people, especially those in influential leadership positions, to use web 2.0 for collaboration. We are going to need our numbers over the next few years to transform classrooms into ‘wired’ and ‘savvy’ places.

    You are the first SED that I know on Twitter. Can you help us get your colleagues and RDs here too, and Stephen Wilson and the DG and ADG?

    • darcymoore

    • 16 years ago

    Follow Roger on Twitter here:

  2. It was wonderful to see your blog on the Big Screen Darcy. I am at a PTC event next week to hear Denise Bradley discuss the Tertiary Education Review. I’ll try for a short video on her response to Twitter.

  3. Thanks for the mention Darcy, as a newer Twitterer I am still surprised at the amount of professional readings, information and just interesting “stuff” that I now have access to.

    Your list of 10 Australian educators to follow is really helpful, just knowing who to follow, and to be able to follow leaders should get lots help people starting out on Twitter to see really quickly what a positive app Twitter can be.

    • kellimcgraw

    • 16 years ago

    Aw, thanks for the mention Darce. I would say that is more or less my top 10 too, including you 🙂

    I also recommend following Doug Belshaw, an e-Learning Director and Ed.D. student from England:
    Jo McLeay, a teacher and M.Ed. student in Melbourne:
    And I also think the tweets from the NSW Migration Heritage Centre are really interesting!

    Roger I am following you now too.
    Thinking I may email my SED directly to suggest Twitter now!

  4. Aahhh. If only Twitter wasn’t blocked at school though! Great blog Darcy. I’ve been there for a while:

    • darcymoore

    • 16 years ago

    Stu, you can use the ‘Betwittered’ app in iGoogle to access Twitter at work (if you do not have an iPhone):

  5. Cool, thanks Darcy.

    • Imelda Judge

    • 16 years ago

    Thanks Kelli for the leg up… and into the world of twitter. Hi Darcy. I heard about some of the interesting stuff you were doing with Spore last year as I was attempting to incorporate that into a valuable unit for a literacy class I had. It will be great to be actively part of a twitter trail with you guys.

  6. Hi Darcy, and belated thanks for including us on this list. You and your commenters are right about the staggering number of useful links and leads for educators on Twitter. We started out sending information via Twitter, and still do, but we’re also working out the effective ways to gather what we receive from Twitter and share it with other (non-tweep) staff.

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