Orwell was widely anthologised, contributed prefaces and introductions during the 1940s. You may not have known that he was an obsessive collector of propaganda pamphlets but it certainly will make sense to even the most casual reader of his work that he would have studied the techniques employed by political associations, parties and agitators. Orwell’s widow donated his extensive collection of political pamphlets to the British Museum Library. This is the complete inventory of his impressive collection. He was well-qualified to edit and write an introductions for British Pamphleteers Volume 1: From the 16th Century the 18th Century.

Other, more contemporary anthologies, are being added steadily to this page, as time permits.

Brown, Ivor, Current British Thought, London: Nicholas Kaye, 1947. 462pp. (*Includes the Horizon questionnaire on The Cost of Letters sent in 1946 to various writers, along with the responses to the questionnaire by authors including George Orwell. Contributors also include Bernard Shaw, Robert Graves, Stephen Spender, J. B. Priestly, Julian Huxley and Harold Nicolson)

Cole, G.D.H.; Laski, Harold; Orwell, George; Sutherland, Mary,Victory or Vested Interest?, Routledge, 1942

Comfort, Alex & Bayliss, John (editors), New Road 1943: New Directions in European Art & Letters, The Grey Walls Press. 230pp.

Gollancz, Victor (editor), Laski, Harold, Betrayal of the Left: an Examination & Refutation of Communist Policy from October 1939 to January 1941: with Suggestions for an Alternative and an Epilogue on Political Morality, Left Book Club, 1941. 324pp. (print on demand book)

Lehmann, John (editor), New Writing 2Autumn 1936, John Lane the Bodley Head, 1936. (Fine copy with dust jacket and first appearance of Shooting an Elephant)

Lehmann, John (editor), New Writing: New Series 3 Christmas, 1939, The Hogarth Press, 1939. (Dust jacket and first appearance of Marrakech)

Lehmann, John (editor), Folios of New Writing: Number 2, Autumn 1940, The Hogarth Press, 1939. Dust jacket (and first appearance of My Country Right or Left)

Lehmann, John (editor), New Writing in Europe, Penguin, 1940. 158pp.

Lehmann, John (editor), English Stories From New Writing, 1951, 352pp. (Dust jacket and includes, Shooting an Elephant)

Lehmann, John (editor), The Penguin New Writing (Nos. 1-11), Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1940-42. pp128-160pp. First editions

Lejeune, Anthony (ed) Time & Tide Anthology, Andre Deutsch, 1956

London, Jack, Introduction by George Orwell, For Love of Life, Paul Elek, 1946

Orwell, George (ed.), Talking to India; A Selection of English Language Broadcasts to India, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd Book, 1943 (2000 copies)

Orwell, George and Reynolds, Reginald, British Pamphleteers Volume 1: From the 16th Century the 18th Century, Allan Wingate, 1948.

Orwell, George, “World Affairs – 1945,” Junior, London: Children’s Digest Foundation, 1945, pp. 79-88 (Orwell’s article makes no concessions to the age of his readers)

Rogerson, Barnaby and Lavington, Stephen (eds), Marrakesh: Through Writers’ Eyes, London: Eland Books, 2006. 304pp. (I bought this in Marrakech, along with a local edition of Nineteen Eighty-Four and some photographic exhibition catalogues).

Russell, Leonard (ed), The Saturday Book 4, London: Hutchinson & Co., London, 1944. 288pp (Orwell’s essay, “Benefit of Clergy”, was suppressed on grounds of obscenity but its title remains in the table of contents).

Russell, Leonard (ed), The Saturday Book 5, Hutchinson, 1945. 288pp.

Reynolds, Reginald, British Pamphleteers Volume 2: From the French Revolution to the Nineteen-1930s, Allan Wingate, 1948 (with introduction by AJP Taylor)

Rajan, B. & Pearse, Andrew (Editors), Focus Two, Dennis Dobson Publications, 1946

Thomas, Elizabeth (ed.), Tribune 21, London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1958. 312 pp. (includes Orwell’s essays: “Literature and the Left”; “You and the atom bomb”; and “What I think of Tribune” which originally appeared in Tribune in June 1943, October 1945 and January 1947)



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