Reflections: Occasional Papers #AI #education #21stcenturyskills #NSWDoE

“As part of the Education for a Changing World project, the NSW Department of Education has established the Education: Future Frontiers Occasional Paper Series. The series will bring together essays commissioned by the department from distinguished Australian and international authors to stimulate debate and discussion about Artificial Intelligence (AI), education and 21st century skill needs.” […]

AI MOOC (Guest Post)

My colleague, Andrew Walker, writes about his experience doing Stanford University’s AI course in a guest (and his first) blog post.   cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by Darcy Moore In August last year, tech enthusiasts were buzzing with the news that Stanford University would be offering three classes online […]

‘Online Introduction to Artificial Intelligence’

A colleague, who prefers it when I do not mention his name on any social media channel as he is a geek who studiously avoids facebook, twitter, blogging etc, emailed some interesting links about Stanford University and the new, “Online Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, by Professors Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun“. I noticed, a few minutes […]