Voting: Edublog Awards
The Sydney Writers’ Centre blogging competition involves an eclectic range of blogs, many of them new to me. These competitions are always a good way of finding new Australian bloggers in order to share the best of what is out there with a larger audience. It is very cool that 570 bloggers are being celebrated! There […]
A post by James Bradley, at his City of Tongues blog, led me to buy and read Miscellaneous Voices: Australian Blog Writing, edited by Karen Andrews. I would not usually buy an anthology of ‘online’ writing as it just seems too silly, losing all the hyperlinks and hyperconnectivity, but felt happy to invest in this project when I read: “This […]
Welcome to this ‘Blogs and Blogging’ ETA workshop. We have 30 computers but with so many particpants you may have to share a computer, which may work out well as we collaborate today (and in the future?) to develop our blogs and networks. The rubric for the workshop: The media landscape, especially journalism, has undergone […]